Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I'm sure I am doing what many others are currently doing- building resolutions for 2014.  Every year I do this, every year I start off great, and every year I end up falling off the boat.  So why do I keep doing these resolutions?  I guess I would rather have a goal and fail than have none at all.  At least with a goal I know I have aspirations.  And usually during the year I will get back on the boat and work towards them a little more.  My problem is with consistency. The only goal that I actually met this year was my Goodreads goal of reading 250 books. 

For 2014 I am going to make professional and personal goals.  I am hoping that putting them out there for everyone to see will help me become more accountable.

1. Complete the #500in2014 challenge.  I am joining a group on Twitter who have made it a goal to run 500 miles this year.  That's about 1 1/3 miles per day.  We are using the Nike+ Running app to track our progress.  I have also enlisted a couple of friends to do the challenge with me.  I am feeling pretty confident that with my online support group and my personal support group I can meet this goal. 
2.  Eat healthier.  My husband got me a juicer for Christmas and I am loving it so far!  I would like to have some sort of juice every day in this new year.  I would also like to cut some foods out of my diet.  I'm usually not too bad but there is room for improvement. 

1.  Read 300 books in 2014.  In 2013 I met my goal of 250 books.  I want to up my goal to 300 this year since I was successful with the 250. (Hmmm...  I think this could also be considered a personal goal since I read for enjoyment.)
2.  Read more professional books.  When looking through the books I read in 2013, I did notice I have a huge book gap in this category.  I am going to commit myself to reading 1 professional book a month.  I am good a starting them but not finishing.  I think the problem I have right now is that I have too many started! 
3.  Blog at least once a week.  I would like to participate in It's Monday What Are You Reading, Slice of Life, Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday, Poetry Friday, and Celebrate!  I would love to do all of these every week.  However, I know me.  If I miss doing one, I will fall off the boat because I have the "all or nothing" mentality.  So I am going to participate in one of these each week.  If I am able to do more than one, then that is a bonus.

So there you go, 5 resolutions for myself.  Wow, that seems like a lot!  I think I will need to periodically check back with these resolutions and measure how I am doing with them. 

Happy New Year!


  1. I'm terrible about keeping resolutions. I started using ONE LITTLE WORD to guide me in 2008 and haven't looked back since.

    Happy New Year, Krista.

  2. Resolutions are hard and I wish you the best for accomplishing your goals in 2014. I, too have started using one little word. Something to think about.

  3. I think I should join you for the one professional book a month! I raise my hat to you for your resolutions! Running 500 miles in a year sounds like a fun commitment! Happy running tomorrow!

  4. I read one professional development book per month in 2013 and am doing it again for 2014. I do the same thing--start too many and then never finish! So now I force myself to read only ONE at a time! I'll have to look into the plank challenge. I can hold planks for 1 minute, but 5??? Is that really possible?! I might just have to join this challenge!
